
Painting Pays Off!

A Survey of 2000 real estate agents showed that painting interior or exterior walls resulted in a payback of 150% of the cost.

* TIP 1

Painting is the most affordable and quickest option when its time to decorate or improve your home. When done right painting will add real value to your home.

* Tip 2

If done correctly, a quality exterior paint job can maintain its beauty and durability for many, many years. Interiors even longer!

* TIP 3

When selling your house, remember that your personal color palette might not appeal to every potential buyer. Bold colors tend to distract the consumer from seeing the full potential of a room. When getting your home sell ready, consider painting walls in a neutral tone.

* TIP 4

Improve your curb appeal with paint. Paint fences and touch up weathered paint on the face of the house.

* TIP 5

A fresh coat of paint helps eliminate stubborn odors

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